The following information has been prepared due to the increasing number of pilots arriving unprepared for their flight tests.
The pilot wishing to conduct a licence issue or renewal flight test must be fully prepared for the test, and know what is expected of him/her.
The following guidelines should assist the applicant:
The following must be presented to the examiner (ideally before it is asked for!):
There will be an oral exam on IFR, charts & procedures, aircraft technical and any other area that the examiner may choose.
If the above preparation is incomplete or below standard, the examiner will call off the test and the fee will still be charged!
The applicant is theoretically in charge of the flight
Isolated, momentary deviations, which are corrected immediately may be accepted.
At the discretion of the examiner, some exercises may be repeated in flight.
If the pilot feels that he/she has failed the test, he/she may elect to call off the flight.
If the examiner decides that the pilot has failed the test, the pilot will be advised of the reason and the pilot may decide to continue with the rest of the exercises or to abort the whole exercise. If the pilot chooses to continue the test, and successfully completes the remainder of the exercises, he/she will only have to re-do the failed portions.
Please do not waste your money and the examiners time & patience! Arrive prepared!
CELL: +263-774622260/61
A/H: +263-772145159
Site 15
Charles Prince Airport
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